I noticed a yellow-green vaginal discharge when i wiped. What does green mucus discharge indicate. Check out all these super big tits porn movies for free. New videos about shooting crack pussy added today.
In return, this can lead to a change in the smell, texture, and color of the vaginal discharge. Babe nude beach volleyball hot girls wallpaper. Make love youthful woman womans porn. Vagina discharge yellowish greenish no burning at all no smell a little itching i pee fine no bad odor down there at all.
I was prescribed two doses of diflucan and whatever i have it's still there. It's like green, looks like mucus, and somewhat thick.
Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell which usually increases in number and become more active in case of an infection.
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How prim and proper architecture. The following details may help you better understand your symptoms and if and when you need to see a physician. Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge are often readily diagnosed and treatable.